About TPA

The mission of the Tennessee Principals Association is to support, empower, and connect Tennessee Principals.
As the ONLY association dedicated to serving elementary and middle-level principals, our sole purpose is to help you, your teachers, and your school succeed.

We connect you with your peers

  • Connect with your peers on TPA/NAESP’s social media channels
  • Participate in NAESP’s nationally acclaimed Mentor Program
  • Get a member discount TPA’s State Conference and for NAESP’s Annual Conference, where you’ll rub shoulders with the leading experts in education and connect with thousands of motivated peers.
  • Search job openings and post your résumé anonymously, nationwide.

Join today! There’s never been a better time to link up with your colleagues and reap the benefits and strength of your greatest supporter — TPA/NAESP!

We support your profession

In a world that is litigious and complex, where decisions in Nashville and Washington D.C., directly impact the quality of your professional and personal life, there’s no reason you should go it alone.

  • $2 million of individual professional liability coverage and up to $10,000* for job protection legal counsel, you can relax and do your job without looking over your shoulder.
  • We’re your greatest advocate in Nashville and Washington D.C., making sure the interests of principals are at the table, whether it’s school funding, evaluation standards, education policy matters, or legislative issues.

We feed your passion

We know that time is your greatest challenge, so we cull through the latest data and research to find the gems that are relevant to you, your teachers, and your school. We make your job easier with:

  • Tennessee Principal and Principal magazine — find timely articles and promising practices to share, and gain the perspectives you need to lead your learning community efficiently.
  • Timely, vetted online resources — Keep up with the latest leadership and education trends in our twice-weekly Principal Insights newsletter, and get ready-to-use resources for you and your staff in our monthly Communicator newsletter.
  • Legislative updates — Stay up-to-date with all of the political decisions being made in Nashville and on the Hill that impact you, your teachers, and your students.
  • Free professional development webinars, online learning, and Virtual Book Talks — You and your staff can tap into knowledge from the leading names in the field.
  • Topical handouts for parents — Once a month, receive a downloadable Report to Parents, ready to go in English and Spanish.
  • National Panel of New Principals — Visit this convenient, one-stop site for tips and vital information for new principals.
  • Plus discounts on membership and materials from the American Student Council Association, savings on professional development opportunities, and grant opportunities.

*Benefit starts with $1,000, with an additional $1,000 for every year of membership up to a maximum of $10,000.

About TPA

The Tennessee Principals Association (TPA) was founded in 1939 as a support system for Tennessee school leaders.  Over the decades, TPA has evolved as the premier professional association for K-8 Tennessee principals as well as district leaders. 

Dr. Brian K. Partin is the Executive Director of TPA.  Dr. Partin is a veteran educator with twenty-five years of experience and a former president (2017-2018) of the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP).

Contact Information:
Dr. Brian K. Partin
Executive Director
(423) 439-9111

TPA Mailing Location
Tennessee Principals Association
P. O. Box 3623
Johnson City, TN 37602

TPA is a “Principal-led-Principal-driven” organization.  The 2022-23 Board of Directors (governing board) is led by twenty-seven school leaders from across the state (click on the “Our Team” button for Board Member contact information).

2024-25 TPA Board of Directors

Executive Board
President | DeeAnne Miree
President-elect | Darla Young-Berry
Vice President | TBD Pending Election
Past President | Dr. Janice Irvin
NAESP State Rep | Shay Siler
Secretary | Dr. Terrence Brittenum
Treasurer | Dr. Holly Flora
Associate Director | Dr. Ann-Marie Gleason
Executive Director | Dr. Brian Partin

Special Board Appointments
Directorof Advocacy (Federal & State) | Heather Wolf
Director of Professional Learning | Julie Thompson
Higher Education | Dr. Stacy Edwards
Editor/Private School | Dr. Amanda Binkley
Exhibit Hall Coordinator | Dr. Janice Irvin

Membership Directors
West,District 1 | Patrick Certion
West, District 1 | Darla Young
West, District 1 | Shannon Cotton
Northwest, District 2 | Linda DeBerry
Southwest, District 3 | Vacant
North Central, District 4 | Shelley Archuleta-Smith
North Central, District 4 | Fred Hewitt
South Central, District 5 | David Golden
Cumberland, District 6 | Vacant
Southeast, District 7 | Dr. Jesse Goins
Southeast, District 7 | Ruth Pohlman
East, District 8 | Suzanne Parham
Upper East, District 9 | Brett Herron

NAESP Board Members
NAESP President | Dr. Kevin Armstrong
NAESP Vice President | Dr. Ann-Marie Gleason
Zone 4 Director | Dr. Ashley Aldridge Wilson

TPA is a “joint state” with the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP).  Annual membership fees include both state level and national level dues for K-8 principals.  All memberships in TPA/NAESP expire on a common expiration date of August 31 each year.  Legal benefits are provided through NAESP. High school administrators are welcome to join TPA. As indicated on the TPA, K-8 Enrollment Form, secondary members who join TPA, are required to have a current membership in a national association of their choice (e.g., NASSP, ASCD). Legal benefits are not provided through TPA

Potential benefits of membership include: Advocacy at state & federal levels Legal benefits provided by NAESP for K-8 administrators Print/non-print resources (e.g., magazines, newsletters)State and National level conferences Member discounts Networking & collaboration Leadership development & growth.

Tennessee Principals Conference
Typically held annually (Sunday-Tuesday) in mid-November, the Annual Tennessee Principals Conference is a great way to enjoy professional learning with colleagues from across the state.  TPA provides national level speakers at the conference along with an exhibit area and plenty of breakout sessions.  Conference information, including registration information, can be found on the TPA website.

Headquarters Location
TPA Headquarters is located in Johnson City, TN.  Membership and conference registration can be sent to the following location:

Tennessee Principals Association
P.O. Box 3623
Johnson City, TN 37602

become a member

The mission of the Tennessee Principals Association is to support, empower, and connect Tennessee Principals.


  • SUPPORT Tennessee Principals to enhance professional skill level
  • EMPOWER Tennessee Principals to build leadership capacity
  • CONNECT Tennessee Principals to expand professional networks
  • DEVELOP long-term financial infrastructure to enable TPA to become the premier education leadership association for Tennessee Principals


  • Professional Membership
  • Professional Liability Coverage ($2 million)
  • Professional Development Opportunities
  • Advocacy in Washington
  • TPA Publications: TN Principal Journal & TNPRIN News
  • NAESP Publications: Principal Magazine, Communicator e-newsletter, Principal Insights
  • Professional Networks
Learn more